All drivers: These rules have been changed for this year, please read carefully.
Feature Winner: $500
Runner-up: $300
Last two cars running in heats: $100 each
( No more winner & runner-up in heats)
Trophies given to all winners including Fan's Choice Fan's choice winners no longer advance to feature, the winners will be automatically entered into the consolation of their choice free of charge.
A) No alcohol or drugs are allowed in pit area by anybody!!! Drivers, Pit Crew, Spectators, etc!! Anybody in pit area drinking or in possession of alcohol or drugs will be removed from pit area and placed under arrest. DRIVERS if you or ANYBODY from your team are found to have alcohol or drugs in the pit area you will be disqualified immediately for the year. Your privilege to participate again in following years will be at the sole discretion of the Fair officials & Derby officials!!
B) Drivers you are responsible for the behavior of your crew members, No reckless behavior, rude demeanor or excessive foul language will be tolerated. Any violation will result in your disqualification. When anybody enters the pit area their vehicle is subject to a search by Fair officials or any Police/Sheriff's Dept. on hand. Spectators/Crew must register what TearnlDriver they are with. In the event anybody violates any of the rules, it will result in the immediate disqualification ofdriver and removal of offending person/party.
D) All drivers must wear an approved safety belt (OEM vehicle restraint or any approved racing harness. All demolition derby drivers shall wear a properly secured, full face helmet with face shield, which meets or exceeds the Snell Memorial Foundation Testing Standard K, M or SA, which has not reached the expiration date established by the Snell Memorial Foundation at the time of the event. The use of open face helmet and goggles is prohibited in demolition derby. As per NJ State Race guidelines an approved neck support system (i.e.: HANS device or neck roll required) is mandatory to be in compliance with current NJ guidelines. Proper clothing must be worn, Long sleeve shirt & Long pants. Driver's helmet must remain on while in vehicle until race is over whether they are running or not. Drivers must stay inside of vehicle and keep all body parts inside of vehicle until end of race. Drivers may only exit their vehicle when race is stopped for whatever reason or when the race is over.
E) Roads going in & out of the arena and into the pit areas must remain open and clear ofany vehicles at all times.
F) ONLY Drivers, Safety personne1, Officials & Towing personnel are allowed on the track at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! G) The exhibition area will be 250ft wide & 100ft deep. H) The concrete (Jersey) barriers mark the track boundaries and keep the cars in the arena. I) No Passengers allowed in derby cars at any timen!
J) 5 mph speed limit in all surrounding areas of the arena. On the track, Mash it too the floor!!!!
K) No air horns are allowed to be used by anybody but officials during the race. DO NOT use air horns to cheer for fan's choice, You will not count. L) All heat winners and fan's choice winners must drive the same car in the feature. M) All cars must remain running & making legitimate hits to remain in competition. Ally car which is not running Imoving or initiating hits for more than 45seconds will be called out. Any car which is not making legitimate hits, running from hits, sandbagging or hiding from the other drivers will be immediately called out ofthe race. N) No deliberate driver's door hits are allowed. If you are caught giving 2 deliberate driver's door hits you will be disqualified. If the race is stopped twice for a fire in your car you will be disqualified from that heat. 0) If the race is stopped by the officials to flag you out for any violation two times due to you not listening or paying attention to the officials you will be disqualified. P) Officials reserve the right to deny any car entry that they deem unfair or unsafe and decisions are final.
B) Vehicles may be any stock American made full roof passenger cars may be used. Cars which had a factory sunroof may be used as long as the hole is covered.
C) All doors may be fully welded with a reasonable 1I8in x 3in plate to cover the outer seam only, no welding ofinner seams. Doors may also be chained. Ifthe door comes open you will be disqualified.
D) 1single plastic electric fan may be used, no greater than 16inches in diameter. Factory clutch fans must be removed. E) Nothing other than OEM steering columns may be used. (Nothing Handmade) F) Electric fuel pumps may be used on all engines, the fuel pump & lines must be enclosed in fuel tank box. G) No fuel lines are allowed in drivers compartment unless steel braid, steel line, or copper are used and enclosed inside a metal tube with proper drain which drains too bottom ofcar. H) Fuel pump shut off switch must be located on switch panel, securely mounted to transmission tunnel, clearly marked and accessible from outside of vehicle.
I) A fire extinguisher in driver's compartment is not required but allowed as long as it is securely fastened. J) Batteries must be secured inside of a box which will be secured to the passenger floor of driver's compartment. The batteries must be properly covered and cover must be secured with a strap. K) Driver's seat may be supported with small pipe or box tubing behind the seat. Support must not extend into passenger side of vehicle and may only be fastened to the floor pan and may not be secured to frame or any other support or brace. Chain or a strap behind the seat may also be used. L) No cooling system of any kind may be located anywhere other than the engine compartment. Factory cooling systems or any form of homemade cooling system will be allowed as long as it is limited to the engine compartment and is deemed safe by officials. M) Radiator ice boxes may be used provided it will still fit into factory radiator mounts & location. Metal used may not exceed 1/8 in thickness. No chemicals (ie.! dry ICE) N) All glass (except windshield), plastic, chrome, wood and loose debris must be removed from vehicle inside & out. All interior panels, rugs, headliners, sun visors etc. must be removed from inside of vehicle. The driver's seat and dash may only remain. 0) A cushion on the driver's door is not required but recommended. P) Original gas tanks must be removed.
Q) A 5-8 gallon gas tank must be used. Metal or plastic race approved tanks and custom metal cells may be used provided they have the proper fittings and vents and are structurally sound. They will be securely mounted to the center ofrear back seat, over transmission tunnel. There must be a secured metal box covering the gas tank in the center rear seat. All fuel system components must be enclosed inside of box. (Fuel lines, Electric Fuel pumps, etc.) No plastic tanks!!!
R) Trunks may be welded with no more than 4 inches of weld per seam, plate for seam no greater than 1/8x3in. S) Trunks must still be accessible for inspection. T) Hoods must be open for inspection. U) There must be a 6 inch hole in center of the hood for inspection and fire extinguishing access. V) All thread running through the frame must be no larger than % inch diameter. W) All thread must not stick out more than Yz inch above the nut once tightened down. X) Only 2 pieces of all thread may be attached to the frame per trunk and hood, must have washers and nuts on both sides of any sheet metal which it passes through. No more than 6 points of contact total to secure hood & trunk lid. Y) All openings in firewall or floor into driver's compartment must be covered with sheet metal. Z) No welding or stiffening of suspension which restricts travel may be done. Coil springs may be welded at the top & bottom to keep them in. Suspension may be raised by using torsion adj., Spring spacers or blocks. Front and rear suspension must have a minimum of 1 inch oftravel up & down. AA) No strengthening of engine compartment, frame or anything strengthening the structure ofthe car. . BB) If the frame of the car has been broken metal may be used to repair the break provided it is done in reason. No car which has not been previously run may have any extra metal added. CC) No replacing of stock equipment or metals in frame or on the car. DD) Body mounts may be replaced with metal. EE) Frame seams may NOT be welded. No metal supports, brackets, gussets, etc. may be added or welded. Bumper Brackets are pennitted to be welded within reason. FF) Nothing may be added/filled inside ofthe frame. (Concrete, chains, etc.) GG) No welding offactory body seams other than doors is pennitted. HH) Tires must be DOT approved passenger tires ..No filling of tires with anything except air. Tubes are permitted.
II) Driver's Halo/Cage system may be used and will be mandatory next year as per NJ State race guidelines. Box tube or steel pipe used must be a minimum of .090 wall thickness and diameter must be a minimum of 3in and a maximum of 6in. No solid stock. The cross braces may run from side to side CA post/windshield post-A-post/windshield post and from Bpost/center post to B-post/center post. Seat brace may be incorporated into cross bar behind seat. Tube or box will be run on the inside of each door connecting cross bars. No more than 2 parallel bars may be run up each side of the car. All bars must connect to each other to complete the box/cage/Halo inside of car protecting the drivers compartment and batteries. No more than 6 down tubes may be run down to the floor to hold cage in place. No welding of down tubes to frame, they may be plated and bolted through the floor. Side bars may not extend beyond the back side of B-post/side post, must be a minimum of a 6in gap between the inner door skin and side bars of Halo system.